
Posts Tagged “taliban”

10 Years after 9/11

A picture from the explosion just after one of the planes hit the World Trade Center, with the caption “NEVER AGAIN” To the unholy alliance of al-Qaeda and the Taliban, I just have one question:

Are you enjoying your 72 raisins?

Never again. And if, by reason of treachery or covert actions, this does occur again, rest assured that your actions will lead to your fate matching that of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.

(In prior years, I have written about remembering this travesty, the importance of persevering to defeat those who perpetrated this, and remembering how I felt on that day. It was also two years ago when I profiled Louis Neil Mariani, one of the innocent Americans killed 10 years ago today. All these still apply. But, for today, my fist is in the air; I'm still angry, and I regret that we cannot exhume every terrorist we've dispatched in the intervening 10 years, resuscitate them, and kill them again.)