
Posts Tagged “myweblog”

My Web Log

When I started this blog, I was using static files; I'd update them and replace them when I wanted to make a post. Back in 2004, I moved it to a database-backed system that I was writing myself. I guess you could call today “back to the future,” because I have moved the site from Orchard to MyWebLog, a solution which I am in the process of writing. It is designed to be very lightweight on server resources, while having the ability to serve multiple sites from a single instance of the code. When I get it to a more releasable state, it will be hosted at CodePlex; I already have the project there using a prior attempt I made at this.

Why change? Orchard is great, it just wasn't the best fit. I think it was overkill for my little ol' blogs. There were also a couple of annoyances, the biggest of which is that it wasn't running the comments through Akismet. A 10-year-old site gets a lot of spam, and I don't want to have to deal with it. There were also some hit-or-miss connection issues with the back-end data store, which (to their credit) the developers helped me try to resolve.

It's still a little rough around the edges, more so in the admin section than this part. And, while it does not (yet) allow new comments to be made, it does display existing comments. Once I do get a bit further into this, I'll do a write-up on my tech blog detailing the technology behind it.

Maybe I can even post more regularly… :)